Thursday, April 16, 2009

The best birthday ever.....

Well, B officially turned 6 on Monday. We did some celebrating on Sunday with part of the family since Easter was at my house anyway. The boys were out of school on Monday, so we took off and went to Chuckee Cheese. As B was wolfing down his pizza, he told me that this was his best birthday ever. He really wanted a Nintendo DS for his birthday and has been asking for months, however, I explained that he should really wait and ask for that for Christmas otherwise, he will have to share with his older brother who doesn't have one. So, he opted for a two-wheel scooter instead. He wanted a football cake, so with the help of grandma's cake pans (I couldn't find a football one anywhere), he got a football helmet and a football. It actually turned out pretty good and he has had a piece of it every night this week. I have to make another one for this Saturday when his friends come over to help him celebrate and then I don't want to look at another cake for a very long time.

I am going to C's field trip with him tomorrow to learn about ponds. He informed me that he has to wear his very oldest shoes and a ripped pair of jeans because it will be muddy. Boy, that should be a lot of fun. :) He has been "researching" toads and some other pond animal that I have never heard of before, so hopefully, he will dazzle me with his facts.

K has been pretty crabby this week. I can't tell if it is his age (just turned 17 months) or if he has fluid in his ears again. We aren't scheduled to go back to the doctor until May 1st, but I may have to take him back earlier to make us both feel better. He has learned to say "cheese" when you take a picture. However, the "cheese" usually doesn't come out until after you have already taken the picture. He came up to work the other day to visit for a few minutes and was quite the entertainment.

The boys went with C to buy some plants for the garden this week. He actually let them pick out what they wanted, so we will have quite the assortment of vegetables and fruit. Living at our old house, I always wanted more trees...... after spending several weekends cleaning up old dead leaves, I am questioning why I wanted more trees. I'm sure I will remember once they are nice and full of new leaves and looking pretty.

We gained two new pets last week...... two little snakes. What are the odds that they would find one for each of them. Luckily, on Monday, C was able to convince the boys that they needed to release Speedy and Curly back into the wild. He said they didn't slither away very fast, so I'm not sure they will live much longer. Poor things!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Glad that's over.....

Well, I survived my first school carnival as a PTO executive member. I was in charge of the food this year, and I haven't heard any reports of food poisioning, so I think I succeeded. I definitely do not envy event planners. That is not a profession that I would be any good at.

C has his first communion coming up in a few weeks, so I took him shopping Sunday afternoon. He technically only needs a white shirt, dark pants and a tie. However, I didn't want him to be the only one without a jacket, so we went out to look for a suit. This was his first experience in a store dressing room. I sent him in alone and stood guard at the door. I kept asking if he needed any help because it was taking forever. I finally snuck in, making sure to keep my eyes on the floor in case some male walked out of a dressing room half naked, or worse yet, naked. I went in his dressing room and he looked so handsome standing there in his white shirt, dark pants and jacket. In my flurry of instructions, I left off the fact that he wasn't supposed to remove the tags from the pants he was trying on. Oh well, we bought what he had on anyway, so no big deal. He also managed to talk me into some plaid shorts and a shirt to go with it. I had picked out an outfit similar to it for one of B's birthday presents, so we went ahead and got K some, too. My kids will be so handsome in their "preppy" outfits. Our next stop was Walmart, which is never fun. C tried to talk me into buying him some deodorant, but I told him that he was only 8 and he shouldn't stink yet. Then, he decided that he was too old for that little kid shampoo that I had been buying him and he wanted some like mine and dad's. Well, my kind is way to expensive for an 8 year old, so I got him the nice cheap Suave that his dad uses.

B is all geared up for his birthday next week. Now, if his mom could get some invitations sent out, he might have some guests at his "party". He decided that he just wanted a few friends to come to his house to play, so it sounds like I might get off easy this year.

K is doing fine. I took him in for a follow-up appointment last week on his ears. He was on his 4th ear infection and his doctor was concerned. He still had some fluid behind one of the ear drums so they did the test that sees if his ear drums move. Both of them failed. The doctor was surprised by this, because he only saw fluid behind one of them. So, he put him on Sudafed for 7 days and requested a follow-up test in a month. I really don't want him to have to get tubes in his ears, but I also don't want him to lose any hearing. He is really picking up on the words now and he gets excited when he can tell you understand what he is saying. He has mastered the word bus, complete with the ssssss at the end. We see several of those every morning on the way to daycare, so he gets lots of practice.

Ok, my lunch 30 minutes is over, so I better get back to work. Haven't been very good at keeping this updated, sorry.